- Maintains a flexible timetabling approach to make space for true depth of study.
- Establishes cross-curricular links to foster a greater breadth of understanding
- Is enquiry-based and involves the children in the planning and giving them choice in the direction the learning takes.
- Ensures pupils develop resilience by adopting a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach.
- Embeds children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development alongside promoting British Values throughout every subject area.
Teaching and Learning at Franche Primary
Our approach to teaching and learning is built around Rosenshine’s principles of instruction. These define the key elements of effective practice. They are based around educational and cognitive load theory research and are designed to give direct links from research into practice. Each lesson includes four main elements of modelled, shared, independent learners and opportunities for assessment.
Questions for activities and assessment are layered in 3 levels (based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy): Basic, Advancing and Mastering (B.A.M.) to ensure appropriately pitched challenge for all pupils.