Welcome to our new website! At Franche Primary, we are learning without limits.


Learning a foreign language is a wonderful way of developing a broader understanding of the wider world and at Franche, our chosen language at Key Stage Two is Spanish. Each class receives Spanish lessons, delivered by a specialist teacher, which enables us to ensure progression throughout this phase and prepare pupils for Secondary Education.
As outlined in the National Curriculum, we aim to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. 
For many of the children at Franche, their lessons at school may be their first contact with another language, therefore our aim is to deliver a curriculum that nurtures pupils’ curiosity and develops understanding of Spanish through a variety of challenging, skill-based activities. Equal emphasis is placed on the skills of listening and responding, speaking, reading and writing, alongside knowledge about culture. Where possible, lessons are linked with cross-curricular year band topics and are taught through singing songs, learning rhymes, role play, presentations, using ICT and games.

We aim to encourage children to develop their inter-cultural knowledge through whole-school International days and celebrations. We also offer further language-learning opportunities through our Enrichment programme and after-school clubs.
To support children with learning new vocabulary, we have created knowledge organisers for each unit children will be covering.  Click on the relevant year and term link below:
For further MfL fun, try some of these links below: