Pre-School is the largest of our Early Years departments and accepts children from the term after their third birthday until they move into Reception. Pre-School at Franche consists of two engaging and well-resourced departments. The main nursery consists of three rooms, two of which are used in a free flow environment to create one larger room and one that provides a quiet space for focused adult-led activities, planned key worker activities and speech and language interventions. These areas are accessed by children in the year before they will be going to Reception. The children in this room are split into two family groups (red and blue) which are made up of 3 key worker groups. Children are taught through planned family times, key worker sessions and adult led activities alongside planned out enhancements and child initiated activities during continuous provision.
The Pre-School also has a secondary base which is for our younger pre-school children (yellow group) who may be attending for additional terms (Spring and Summer) due to their age. This secondary base is a smaller version of the main setting and is in the school’s modular building on the opposite side of the specifically-designed and purpose-built Pre-school garden. This smaller setting is the perfect way for children to be introduced into the main nursery. The shared garden allows children across our preschool to interact during free-flow. The purpose built outdoor environment is enhanced through links to the topics as well as responding to children’s interests to provide a stimulating environment for all children.
Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities. Practitioners respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive, high quality interactions. Due to our school context, we have a language rich curriculum supported by visual resources and strategies for learning, and using, new language and concepts.
Foundation skills such as early mark-making, phonics and number are intrinsically taught and embedded through a wide range of activities and pedagogical approaches.
Within our EYFS departments ‘teaching’ is in every activity provided, there are no activities that occur in the settings that are not considered opportunities for teaching and learning.
- Our school facilities including trim trail, wellbeing garden, forest school, swimming pool
- Qualified staff leading specific sessions including forest school
- Lunch clubs e.g KIXX (football club)
- School trips e.g farm
- Visitors into school e.g animal man, magician, story teller, police, fireman
- Links with the local library for story and rhyme events in school
- Fundraising experiences e.g teddy bears picnic
- Cooking/baking
- Fun swim sessions
- Visits to our local church
- Visits from members of the community
- Local walks
We recognise that children settle, learn and develop best when there is a strong partnership and effective communication between practitioners and parents and/or carers. Within Franche Community Primary School Early Years this is a key priority and area of strength. Parents are considered a valuable stake holder in their child’s education. For this reason, the staff actively seek ways to engage parents and/or carers throughout the year including workshops, parents evenings, celebration events and reading mornings.
Look out for The weekly Pre-school newsletter, which lets you know what your child has been learning this week. It will also include:
- Home learning ideas linked to the topic
- The topic text
- Communication spotlights
- Weekly Nursery rhyme
- focus vocabulary
- Any important information and dates
- The weekly communication spotlights. You will find them on our newsletter and on the family group door (example below)
- Our weekly topic text. This will be on our newsletter along with a link to an audio version to share with your child at home.
- Our weekly Nursery rhyme. This will be on our newsletter along with a link to an audio version to share with your child at home.
- Our topic vocabulary. This will be on our half termly overview sheets.
- Our book borrow boxes. These will be outside your child's classroom.
- Rhyming words
- Syllables within words
- The first sound that words begin with (initial sound)
- The sounds within words (for example, knowing that the word ‘cat’ is made of the sounds c-a-t). (oral blending)
- Our weekly Nursery rhyme: Little Wandle's Foundation for Phonics weekly Nursery Rhyme. This will be on our weekly newsletter. Follow the link below to watch the weekly Nursery rhyme with you child at home. Can they perform the Nursery rhyme for you at home?
- Listening and attention game ideas at home. You will find these are on our website.
- Phonics information and resources. You will find these on our school website (please see below)
To help prepare our Nursery children for writing we have daily Dough Disco sessions. Dough Disco is a fun activity which combines the use of play dough with a series of finger exercises designed to improve fine motor control. The movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem. This is turn improves their mark making, pre-writing shapes and hand writing skills.
‘Dough Disco’ is a good way to warm up those important muscles in our hands, arms and shoulders in preparation for a busy day. Children are to be given a ball of play dough then to the beat of the music, the children copy the adult as they demonstrate various ways to manipulate the play dough, exercising as many of those important muscles as possible.
If you wanted to have a go at home click the links below, there are also some videos on you tube you can try, or simply put on your favourite music and dough dance away!
Please click the below to find out more about writing at Franche:
Here are some other contacts that you may find useful:
SEND SCHOOL WEBSITE: Franche Community Primary School - SEND Provision
SAFEGUARDING SCHOOL WEBSITE: Franche Community Primary School - Safeguarding
SUPPORTING FAMILIES AND WELLBEING SCHOOL WEBSITE: Franche Community Primary School - Supporting Families & Wellbeing
Health Visitor Telephone Advisory Service -Mon—Fri 9.00am—1.00pm: 01905 520 032
Your local Starting Well Family Hub -
Speech and Language resources -
Toileting Advice—ERIC website
Sleep Support - Cerebra—
The Sleep Charity—
If you need any further support please speak to your child's key worker or a member of the Pre-school team.