Welcome to our new website! At Franche Primary, we are learning without limits.


At Franche Community Primary School, scientific enquiry forms the foundation of our science curriculum.  We engage our children through stimulating, hands-on learning, which encourages questioning, exploration, analysis and explanation. Pupils make links to the real world and develop a lifelong love of science.

In each topic, investigations are integral to the scientific learning journey and we work hard to ensure children are given the opportunity to explore the skills required to work scientifically.

As super scientists at Franche we:

  • are curious
  • question and explore
  • use enquiry skills
  • use Scientific vocabulary
  • choose equipment
  • are inspired by STEM heroes
  • enjoy learning!
Across the school, children follow the content of the National Curriculum for England, with opportunities for additional science learning. To ensure that our children are fully immersed in the wider creative curriculum, the science coverage for each year group is included within the curriculum map.
We are incredibly proud to have attained our Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) to further enhance our Super Scientific teaching and learning. We have collaboratively created our vision and principles of Science learning at Franche:
Below are some useful website to extend your child's Scientific knowledge and understanding further: